BunnyHow ToUpdate Bunny

How to Update Bunny

These instructions cover updating Bunny when using Docker Compose, which is the simplest way to deploy. If you’re managing Bunny with a more advanced setup (for example Kubernetes, Ansible, or a custom orchestration tool), you likely already have your own update process in place.

1. Check Available Versions

Each container image is tagged with a version number upon release. You can find a list of available versions in the container registry.

2. Update Your docker-compose.yml

Edit your docker-compose.yml file to use the new version tag. For example:

    image: ghcr.io/health-informatics-uon/hutch/bunny:NEW_VERSION

Replace NEW_VERSION with the latest version tag from the registry. You can use git hashes or timestamps, but we strongly recommend version numbers as tags.

For example, for version 1.0.0-alpha.2:

image: ghcr.io/health-informatics-uon/hutch/bunny:1.0.0-alpha.2

3. Apply the Update

Run the following commands to update your deployment:

docker-compose pull  # Fetch the updated image
docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans  # Restart with the new version
docker image prune -f  # (Optional) Remove old images to free space

4. Verify the Update

Check that Bunny is running correctly by viewing the logs:

docker-compose logs -f bunny If needed, restart it manually with:

docker-compose restart bunny

5. Roll Back If Needed

If something goes wrong, you can roll back to a previous version:

Edit docker-compose.yml to specify an older version tag, and follow step 3.

This ensures you can revert to a stable version if necessary.