
Relay provides a CLI to help manage its local state and configuration.


It’s recommended to use the same version of Relay when using the CLI to manage data for a running instance.

Running the Relay CLI

You can run the CLI - instead of the main Relay application - by providing any commands to it on the command line.

Here are some examples for running the CLI via different methods:

When using docker run:

  • put any arguments to docker run before the image, in place of [DOCKER_ARGS]
  • put the Relay CLI commands and arguments after the image, at the end
docker run \
ghcr.io/health-informatics-uon/hutch/relay:<TAG> \

Use Docker’s -e or --env-file options to configure the app, e.g. to provide a database connection string.


The CLI outlines grouped areas of commands, as noted below. They have their own reference documentation.

  • users : Actions for managing Users and their Sub Nodes

Global Options

//TODO: When implemented // -c | --connection-string <CONNECTION-STRING>