BunnyDevelopersCore API reference

Core API reference

The scripts in core are called by the Bunny daemon and command-line interface (CLI).


The classes used by the core functions are held in rquest-dto.

constantsprovides names for Files
db_managermanages database connections for bunny
entitiesObject Relational Mappings for the OMOP-CDM
enumsBunny enumerations
execute_queryexecutes queries against the database
loggerlogs Bunny’s activities
obfuscationResult obfuscation to protect personally identifiable information
parserparses command-line arguments for bunny-cli
query_solversSolves different types of query against the database
results_modifiersconfigures obfuscation
setting_databasebuilds db_manager for bunny
settingsProvides settings for other core modules by reading environment variables
task_api_clientA client for interacting with the Task API