class LLMModel()
This enum holds the names of the different models the assistant can use. Details of the models implemented can be found here
def get_eot_token()
Some models need a special token to be appended to a prompt. If so, this returns the right end-of-turn token.
class PipelineOptions(
llm_model: LLMModel = LLMModel.LLAMA_3_1_8B
temperature: float = 0
vocabulary_id: list[str] = ["RxNorm"]
concept_ancestor: bool = False
concept_relationship: bool = False
concept_synonym: bool = False
search_threshold: int = 80
max_separation_descendants: int = 1
max_separation_ancestor: int = 1
embeddings_path: str = "concept_embeddings.qdrant"
force_rebuild: bool = False
embed_vocab: list[str] = ["RxNorm", "RxNorm Extension"]
embedding_model: EmbeddingModelName = EmbeddingModelName.BGESMALL
embedding_search_kwargs: dict = {}
This class holds the options available to the Llettuce pipeline.
These are all the options in the BaseOptions parser. The defaults provided here match the default options in BaseOptions. Using a pydantic model means FastAPI can take these as input in the API request.
llm_model: LLMModel
The name of the LLM used in the pipeline. The permitted
values are the possibilities in the LLMModel enum.
temperature: float
Temperature supplied to the LLM that tunes the
variability of responses.
concept_ancestor: bool (Defaults to false)
If true, the concept_ancestor table of the OMOP vocabularies
is queried for the results of an OMOP search.
concept_relationship: bool (Defaults to false)
If true, the concept_relationship table of the OMOP vocabularies
is queried for the results of an OMOP search.
concept_synonym: bool (Defaults to false)
If true, the concept_synonym table of the OMOP vocabularies
is queried when OMOP concepts are fetched.
search_threshold: int
The threshold on fuzzy string matching for returned results.
max_separation_descendant: int
The maximum separation to search for concept descendants.
max_separation_ancestor: int
The maximum separation to search for concept ancestors