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Exported Crates

Wfexs will let you export ro-crates of different types (with different contents) at a few points along the way.

Here is a brief coverage of the different crates you can get.

CommandCrate TypesNotes
export-stageStagedMust be run on a staged working directory identifier (i.e. after stage has occurred)
export-stage --fullStaged (Full)As above
export-crateExecuteMust be run on an executed working directory (i.e. after offline-exec has occurred)
export-crate --fullExecute (Full)As above
executeStaged, ExecuteThis also runs stage and offline-exec for you
execute --fullStaged (Full), Execute (Full)This also runs stage and offline-exec for you
create-prov-crateProvenanceMust be run on an executed working directory (i.e. after offline-exec has occurred)
create-prov-crate --fullProvenance (Full)As above
Stagedthe source workflows, packed entry worfklow, crate metadatastage + export-stage, execute
Staged (Full)As above but with inputs and container imagesas above but with --full
Executesource + packed worflows, crate metadataoffline-exec + export-crate, execute
Execute (Full)As above but with inputs, outputs and container imagesas above but with --full
ProvenanceATM this seems to be the same as Execute. It probably should have different metadata, but doesn't currently.offline-exec / execute + create-prov-crate
Provenance (Full)ATM this seems to be the same as Execute (Full). It probably should have different metadata, but doesn't above with --full