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Using MinIO


The easiest way to install MinIO is by using Docker.

docker pull minio/minio

Information about the image as well as other versions are available here.

Running MinIO​

When running MinIO in Docker, you expose 2 ports and map them to ports 9000 and 9001 inside the container. The following command will let you view the web console at localhost:9001 in the browser. The object store will be available at localhost:9000.

docker run -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 \ server /data --console-address ":9001"

If you use docker-compose, a MinIO service might look like this:

image: minio/minio
restart: always
- "9000:9000" # S3 API
- "9001:9001" # web console
- $HOME/minio-data:/data # (Optional) a persistent volume on your host machine
command: minio server /data --console-address ":9001"

Creating a store​

First, log into MinIO at localhost:9001 (or the port you mapped the web console to on the host machine) with the username minioadmin and the password, also minioadmin. Change these for increased security.

Navigate to "Buckets" and click "Create Bucket". Give the bucket a name and click "Create Bucket" at the bottom of the form.

Creating an Access Key​

Navigate to "Access Keys" in the console and click "Create access key". Then click "Create" at the bottom of the form. You will be offered a download of the credentials, which can be used with your MinIO SDK of choice.